미국의 고속도로 교통안전 국(NHTSA)의 충돌 시험에서 BMW 5 씨리즈와 현대 소나타가 새로운 등급제에서 최상등급(☆☆☆☆☆)을 받았다고 전한다. 우리나라 일부 삐뚤어진 비판 세력들이 날조하는 소나타 차체는 알루미늄 포일이라고 비아냥거리는 사람들은 이 기사를 보았으면 하는 바램으로 여기 오토모티브 뉴스에 오른 기사를 따 올린다.
(Bloomberg) -- BMW AG's 5 series and Hyundai Motor Co.'s Sonata got the highest rating among passenger cars and trucks tested for crashes under a new U.S. rating sysWASHINGTON tem.
Female crash-test dummies were added to the male figures for the first time as the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rated 34 models under a redesigned testing regime, the regulatory agency said today in a statement.
"Through new tests, better crash data, and higher standards, we are making the safety ratings tougher and more meaningful for consumers," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in the statement.
Nissan Motor Co.'s Versa received the lowest overall rating of two stars, scoring four stars in rollovers, three in frontal crashes and two in side crashes.
The new crash tests include dummies representing women, who tend to be smaller than the male figures used exclusively in the past and may be harmed differently in an accident, according to NHTSA. The new dummies also collect data about injuries to the chest, head, neck and legs while the old ones measured only chest damage.
NHTSA has also begun compiling an overall rating for each model for the first time rather than reporting only the front, side and rollover collision results.
Automakers had questioned the redesigned safety ratings because they aren't directly comparable to the ratings they replaced, potentially creating confusion.
The agency said it is continuing to test cars and trucks and plans to add the results as they are complete to its website at safercar.gov.
In a statement, the National Automobile Dealers Association said: “We support the federal government's efforts to enhance safety information to allow for more informed purchasing decisions by vehicle shoppers."
Read more: http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101005/RETAIL/101009936/1246#ixzz11XEqVlwu
(Bloomberg) -- BMW AG's 5 series and Hyundai Motor Co.'s Sonata got the highest rating among passenger cars and trucks tested for crashes under a new U.S. rating sysWASHINGTON tem.
Female crash-test dummies were added to the male figures for the first time as the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rated 34 models under a redesigned testing regime, the regulatory agency said today in a statement.
BMW's four-door, rear-wheel-drive 5 Series and the latest model of Hyundai's Sonata were the only vehicles in the first batch rated to receive five stars, the top overall safety score. Both vehicles scored five stars on side-crashes and rollovers and four stars in frontal crashes
"Through new tests, better crash data, and higher standards, we are making the safety ratings tougher and more meaningful for consumers," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in the statement.
Nissan Motor Co.'s Versa received the lowest overall rating of two stars, scoring four stars in rollovers, three in frontal crashes and two in side crashes.
The new crash tests include dummies representing women, who tend to be smaller than the male figures used exclusively in the past and may be harmed differently in an accident, according to NHTSA. The new dummies also collect data about injuries to the chest, head, neck and legs while the old ones measured only chest damage.
NHTSA has also begun compiling an overall rating for each model for the first time rather than reporting only the front, side and rollover collision results.
Automakers had questioned the redesigned safety ratings because they aren't directly comparable to the ratings they replaced, potentially creating confusion.
The agency said it is continuing to test cars and trucks and plans to add the results as they are complete to its website at safercar.gov.
In a statement, the National Automobile Dealers Association said: “We support the federal government's efforts to enhance safety information to allow for more informed purchasing decisions by vehicle shoppers."
The NADA said it would provide dealers with information about these points:
• New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) scores for model year 2011 may be lower than for previous models of the same vehicles, but that does not mean they are less safe, the NADA said.
• NCAP scores for 2011 and later vehicles should not be compared to those for previous model years, the NADA said.
• Overall ratings scores reflect a weighted average of the three crash test results. All new vehicles are subject to rigorous Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, the NADA said.
• The NCAP label will not be updated until the 2012 model year. The best source of NCAP information is www.safercar.gov.
• Only 50 or so models are NCAP tested in a given model year, the NADA said. Test results are made public as they become available.
• New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) scores for model year 2011 may be lower than for previous models of the same vehicles, but that does not mean they are less safe, the NADA said.
• NCAP scores for 2011 and later vehicles should not be compared to those for previous model years, the NADA said.
• Overall ratings scores reflect a weighted average of the three crash test results. All new vehicles are subject to rigorous Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, the NADA said.
• The NCAP label will not be updated until the 2012 model year. The best source of NCAP information is www.safercar.gov.
• Only 50 or so models are NCAP tested in a given model year, the NADA said. Test results are made public as they become available.
Read more: http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101005/RETAIL/101009936/1246#ixzz11XEqVlwu
소나타가 안전등급에 최상위 등급을 획득했군요.
답글삭제미국에서 경쟁력에 도움이 될 것 같습니다!
@mindnote - 2010/10/07 10:41
답글삭제그렇죠. 차종선택에있어 안전이 중요한 결정요인 중 하나이기 때문에 많은 도움이 되죠. 날씨가 좋습니다 즐거운 하루되세요.
이제 한국 자동차가 제 값을 받고 미국 시장에서 활약했으면 좋겠습니다..!!
답글삭제@G-Kyu - 2010/10/07 11:08
답글삭제브랜드 이미지를 올리는 것은 제품이 인정받는 것보다 더 어렵답니다. 끊입없는 영업외적인 노력도 필요하지요.
늘 이런 소식을 들으면 국내에서도 똑 같았으면 하는 생각이 들더라구요
답글삭제영어닷 @.@ ㅋㅋㅋ
저도 가끔 궁금해지더라고요.
답글삭제내수용차와 수출용차가 정말로 얼마나 많이 다른가 하고 말입니다.
여하튼 좋은 소식이네요. ^^
작년 말 노후차 보상으로 구매한 차량이라 이런 소식을 들으면 기분이 좋아집니다.^^
답글삭제@핑구야 날자 - 2010/10/07 13:17
답글삭제국내나 국외에서나 크게 다를 것은 없어요. ^^
@풀칠아비 - 2010/10/07 14:29
답글삭제소비자들이 막연한 의심을 가지고 볼때 그속에서 일했던 한 사람으로 좀 답답한 생각이 들어요. 심지어는 20여년전 국회의원도 국회에서 자동차의 차체 철판이 수출용하고 내수용이 다르다며 왜 내숭용은 차별하느냐고 이상한 말을 했던 일이 있었지요. 하하하
@꿈꾸던 시절을 찾아서 - 2010/10/07 15:20
답글삭제암튼 지난 몇년동안 우리 국산차가 외국에서 선전하는 것을 보면 흐뭇합니다.
@스마일맨 - 2010/10/07 14:24
답글삭제영어와 친하기 싫으신가봐요? ㅋ
기사를 보니 6월인가에 이미 2011 소나타의 early 테스트를 받았다는군요 그래서 별4개나 나와서 북미 현대법인에서 빠른 업그레이드 조치로 같은 2011년식 북미형 소나타 차대를 조금 바꾸고 보강재를 넣었다고 하네요. 그래서 이번에 별5개 획득이라고 나오네요. 다른 어떤 메이커들은 모두 별도의 조치를 취하지는 않았다고 합니다.
답글삭제기분좋은것은 발빠른 조치였으나..그것이 미국내 인지도 상승을 위한거란건 다들 아실것 같습니다. 이렇게 한국에서 해준다면야 얼마나 한국사람들이 좋아하겠습니까???
Only two cars -- the BMW 5-series and the Hyundai Sonata -- earned the top score of five stars.
Contributing to Hyundai's five star score was a quick reaction by the company when an early production run 2011 Hyundai Sonata earned an overall four-star rating.
To get the higher score slight changes were made to the car's structure and restraint system in June, Hyundai Motor America chief executive John Krafcik said.
While other automakers might have waited until the end of a model year to make those small changes, Krafcik boasted, Hyundai made them as soon as it learned of the test results.
"I think it's one of the cool things about our company," he said.
@좋네요 - 2010/10/10 13:36
답글삭제비판을 하고 싶은 댓글일수록 자기를 밝히는 예의가 필요한 겁니다.