짧은 訪韓 日程에 시간을 쪼개 현대종합상사를 訪問해 주신 리쳐드 에델만 會長께 감사한다.
Mark Juhn's Blog는 자동차의 이산화탄소 배출문제의 심각성을 대중에 알림으로써 일상 생활에서 필수교통수단을 어떻게 선택하고 현명하게 사용할 것인가를 생각하게 함을 목적으로 한다.
“Positive words have enough force as that would be required for eggs to break a stone.”
This phrase gives a straightforward description of the power that positive thinking has.
In the trading industry, which is enjoying a “second heyday” with the recent success in overseas resource development projects, there is a CEO who is elucidating the power of positive words.
President & CEO Mark Juhn of Hyundai Corporation has been recently focusing on elucidating the “power of positive words” to his employees, following his “theory on luck (If you think you are lucky, you will indeed become lucky)”.
The power of positive words described by CEO Juhn is as follows:
Every one of us talks. The words that one speaks have in them “energy” that is unique to that one person. This “energy” embodies the thoughts of the person and is wholly transferred to the party he/she is talking to.
The main point of CEO Juhn’s theory on being positive is that having positive, rather than negative, thoughts leads to the development of an organization or individual.
When CEO Juhn meets his employees or acquaintances, he recommends a recently published book titled “Positive Words, Powerful Results” written by Hal Urban.
This is a book that describes how positive words, which can open up the hearts of other people, can lead to powerful results, based on the writer’s own experience. The powerful results that positive words can bring include making the other party open up to you, changing despair to hope, giving the other party courage, expressing gratitude and respect, and leading to the success of both you and the other party.
CEO Juhn especially likes the part in the book where it says, “Simply hearing positive words gives people vitality, laughter, and overflowing energy. On the other hand, simply thinking of negative words makes people mad and uneasy, and also creates a dark atmosphere.”
We often have negative thoughts while living our daily lives. The world is getting even tougher, which is leading to more and more negative thoughts.
Maybe this is the reason why we are moved emotionally with CEO Juhn’s theory on the power that positive words have.
“Around the year 2009, Hyundai Corporation will turn into a company with annual net profit of 90 ~ 100 billion won” said Mark Juhn, CEO of Hyundai Corporation.
Still undergoing workout (corporate restructuring program), Hyundai Corporation recorded 23.9 billion net profit won last year.
“From the Yemen LNG project for which we cleared up the difficulties in participation, we are expected to get 30 billion won of the annual dividend for 24 years from 2008 on” said Mark” and “on top of this, when the other dividend from our ongoing Western Kamchatka project and Vietnam project are added, we are going to secure total 60 billion won of annual profit only from the energy resources development” explained CEO Juhn.
Last month, Hyundai agreed to receive 100% project financing completion guarantee from KOGAS in exchange for its 2.88% equity out of 5.9% equity of YLNG.
Mark explained, “ As the company is going through the workout program, we had faced some difficulties in getting the completion guarantee” and “ but now we could find a way to secure investment proportional to the equity.”
The reason he could be so sure of that the net profit would be as much as 4 times from 2009 is that the efforts that he has made to have mid-term or long term profit sources are now starting to show fruitful results. In other words, the project of ‘building 3 core businesses’ which include energy resource development, shipbuilding and trading is taking the root in the ground.
“With a large infrastructure investment in Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding, we’ll have a structure generating 10 billion annual profit by increasing the production capacity of twice from 7 to 15 vessels next year” and “ in addition, we’ll achieve 20 billion won of net profit annually from the trading, mainly steel industry” also announced Mark.
Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding of which Hyundai Corp has 80% equity has ever received several shipbuilding orders for 28 small/mid-sized tankers (approximately 303 million dollars) from ship-owners such as Evalend and Agean.
He emphasized, “My duty is to rebuild Hyundai Corporation as a promising one to find a new owner at a reasonable price” and “as the company had already slimmed the organization from strict corporate restructuring and secured mid/long-term profitable foundations, no one would not lose the investment money when buying this company, although the creditors are in charge of this matter”
“ I am the one who brings good luck. So l believe Hyundai Corporation as well as every member of the company will go great. “
It is his words that Mr. Mark Juhn, CEO of Hyundai Corporation, recently enjoys saying to his employees when he meets them. Last Monday when he went around each division at the office, he again conveyed this message to the employees.
Hyundai Corporation staffs are encouraged with this message because he could not give this kind of message to the employees without the confidence in the current management status, in which the company is in the process of corporate restructuring program.
A company official said, “Whenever CEO Juhn delivers these promising message, the employees feel as if they have powerful supporters for them” and “it is firmly believed by the members that once the company succeeds in graduating from the restructuring program by the end of this year, the company can get back to as it was.”
In fact, since CEO Juhn took the office in March 2004, the company has shown remarkable improvement. Since 2005, the company turned and has stayed in black and, in the first quarter of this year (January to March period), posted 4.1 billion won in sales profit and 8.4 billion won
in net profit. In addition, CEO Juhn successfully launched Yemen LNG project, which strengthened its strategic resources development business. He also completed in establishing Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding by successful take over.
Since last October, CEO Juhn has regularly gone on ‘Saturday-hiking’ to Bukhan Mountain with the company staffs and management every week. He believes that hiking can help each member get closer and exchange ideas, and that will result in beneficial effects at work.
Conducted One-Week Training Program for its Overseas Employees in Seoul Head Office
Mark Juhn, CEO of Hyundai Corporation recently attracted great attention by practicing “Closer Employee Management for the Global Offices”, in which he invites its overseas employees to Seoul Headquarters for face to face meetings and often goes over to the overseas offices.
“I highly recognize the outstanding performance of the employees who work in every corner of our global offices. With increasing competition in the global market, I look forward to more support and engagement from you,” he said, conferring a plaque of appreciation to each of ten or so excellent global employees.
He went on to say, “your roles should also include getting a closer look at what our Headquarter teams are missing while conducting a aggressive local marketing, and making most of your unique market sensibility and sophistication in the field, which the branch representatives from the Headquarters might lack.
These overseas employees from the company’s various global locations around the world including Teheran, New Delhi, Bogota, Santiago and Moscow had an opportunity to strengthening their marketing and sales expertise by taking specially designed sales training program on products and sales techniques by its related teams and divisions and spending some time visiting Korean vendors and suppliers. In addition, they joined Corporate Teambuilding Hiking Event at the Bukhan Mountain together with all the employees of the company, during which
they also participated in an environmental protection campaign with the CEO.
Mr. Juhn, who once served a sales head in Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors and was recognized as a “sales expert”, particularly focuses on the overseas sites as a forefront of the company’s sales activities. His interest is well manifested in the overseas business trips he goes on at least once a month ever since he became CEO of the company in April 2004. He pays a regular visit to overseas subsidiaries to encourage employees and listen to the difficulties facing the employees directly hired there, while traveling extra miles around the world to explore new opportunities.
Also, he frequently holds sales meetings attended by representatives of overseas subsidiaries and branches. In the meetings, issues and focuses of each location are discussed and defined as a regional common agenda.
Living up to the reputation as a “sales expert”, he prefers “Speed Marketing” based on “Top-to-Top” methodology, by which he meets the CEO of the new or existing client companies in person and resolve the outstanding issues arising from an on-going project on the spot.
“It wasn’t hard to guess what the reaction of the company’s creditors would be if a president, who has only been in office for two months, were to say that there was a need to give the employees a pay raise. But that was exactly what I needed to do and fast.
I finally got their approval.”
Hyundai Corporation President & CEO Mark Juhn posted a long letter on the company’s intranet bulletin board on the second anniversary of his appointment as CEO.
The letter touched many employees as it gave a glimpse of what kind of difficulties and distress CEO Juhn had to go through as the CEO of a workout company.
He described the corporate atmosphere on his first day of office as “cold as winter wind coming through the window.”
펼쳐두기.. He opened up to his employees by saying, “Our company, which was much accustomed to carrying out export services for the entire Hyundai Group, was in an even weaker state than I had imagined. He particularly remembered November 29, 2004 as the day the company opened a new chapter in its history. This was when it reached a contract for a shipyard business in Qingdao, China, in order to secure long-term sources of revenue. CEO Juhn explained, “When a potential joint venture partner in Korea suddenly changed its mind, I had to persuade the creditors that our company needed to make inroads into the relevant market alone by pointing out our company’s 30-year experience in winning overseas shipbuilding contracts. The company succeeded in reaching a contract for 28 vessels only six months after officially launching the business.” He ended his letter with words of encouragement to his employees, saying, “Our company is steadily transforming itself into a sound general trading firm with strong, long-term sources of revenue.”
I had to make people realize that our company was now nothing more than one of many business partners of (past) Hyundai Group subsidiaries.”
전명헌 사장은 정통 해외 영업맨 출신으로 70년대부터 해외 시장 개척을 하며 자동차 수출 전문가로 활약했다.
현대자동차 미국 현지법인 재직 중이던 98년 말, 품질 문제로 미국 소비자들의 외면으로 어려움을 겪으면서 기존의 고객 유인 전략인 ‘인센티브 제공’, ’가격할인’ 등이 한계에 부딪쳤을 때, ’10년10만 마일 Warranty’ 라는 획기적인 아이디어를 내놓아 자동차 대미 수출 판도를 바꾸어 놓은 일화는 이미 널리 알려진 사실이다.
1998년 가을에 가진 딜러 미팅에서 였다. 연례행사인 딜러 미팅은 후속 차종과 이듬해인 1999년형 차종과 미래의 상품계획을 소개함과 아울러 마케팅 계획을 발표하는 자리이다. 그 당시 전명헌사장이 미국 현지 딜러를 대상으로 새로운 마케팅 전략과 10년 10만마일 워런티가 포함된 딜러 지원 계획을 내놓던 순간, 딜러 대표들은 “바로 이거다(This is it)” 하며 5분간 기립박수를 보내었고, 10년 10만 마일 워런티로 현대차의 품질의 약점을 한꺼번에 믿을 만한 자동차로 이미지를 바꾼 강력한 메시지였다.
미국 소비자들은 현대를 다시 보게 되었고, 이들의 기대대로 몇 달이 지나지 않아 자동차 판매량은 그야 말로 급속도로 증가하기 시작했다. 이러한 마케팅 전략은 약 11년이 지난 지금도 활용되고 있으며, 이것이 곧 대미(對美) 수출 물량 증가의 커다란 원동력이 되었고, 세계자동차 시장에서 현대자동차의 품질에 대한 신뢰를 확보해 현대차의 판매 신장의 모멘텀이 되었다고 사람들은 입을 모으고 있다.
그의 이러한 해외 마케팅 전문가로서의 능력과 기질은 그가 현대· 기아차 이후 몸담았던 현대종합상사의 혁신에도 중요한 밑거름이 되었다.
실제로 현대종합상사는 그가 CEO로 부임한 이후 놀라운 성적을 나타냈다. 자사 제품이 없는 종합상사의 약점을 불식시키기위한 그의 경영전략 능력은 중국의 청도조선소를 인수하여 조선업에 진출하는 쾌거를 올렸다. 마케팅 능력을 기반으로 한 수익원 확충 및 비즈니스 모델 개발, 조직 및 인력 운영의 효율화 등으로 현대종합상사는 2004년도에 매출 1조7천962억원에 영업이익 251억원, 경상이익 345억원, 당기순이익 345억원을 달성하여 4년만에 흑자로 전환시키는 개가를 올렸으며, 2005년과 2006년 3년 연속 흑자를 기록하면서 지금 이 시간에도 견실한 성장세를 지속해 나가고 있다.
2006년 12월 25일자 중앙 일보 는 전 명헌사장을 6000억 적자 회사를 5년만에 흑자로 전환, 빚더미 회사를 살린 구원투수라고 기술하고 있다.