2008년 4월 3일 목요일

Leidschendam 전사들의 모임

1978년에 현대자동차가 처음 해외 투자법인을 설립한 것이 Hyundai Motor Holland 였다.
암스텔담과 로텔담을 잇는 고속도로변 헤이그의 외각에 위치한 농촌의 푸른 목초지 한가운데 빌라를 얻어 사업을 시작한 HMH. 정확하게 주소는 Leidschendam, Middenweg 7 이다.
네델란드에서 철수한 후 순수 Leidschendam Warrior 들의 모임은 이번이 처음인셈.
식사하면서 두시간 넘게 30년전의 추억을 되새기면서 세월이 참 빠르다는 것을 새삼스럽게 느꼈다. 20대 후반, 30대 중반이였던 우리가 이제 60대 후반을 지나고 있으니 .....
Hyundai Motor Company opened its subsidiary company in the Netherlands in 1978 for the first time in its history. The name of the company was Hyundai Motor Holland (HMH) at Middenweg 7, Leidschendam, the Nethrlands actually it was located in between stock farms. There were guys dispatched from the HQs in Seoul as TFT members and worked there for some months or years. All the members at that time except the executives of HMH in their twenties or mid thirties of age and they gathered today for the first time since withdrew from HMH in 1980. All of the guys are now in sixties.
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위는 자리를 옮겨 백화점 분수대 앞에서 둘러앉아 포즈를 잡았다. 길에 있는 사람한테 촬영을 부탁했는데  사진이 흔들여서 말씀이 아니다. 아래 사진은 저녁 식사후 기념 사진을 찍기 위해 자리를 옮겨 현대백화점 목동지점 지하 무빙워크에서 사람들이 많은데 내가 카메라를 들이대자 멋적은 얼굴들이다.
After the dinner with some drinks, we moved to a fountain in a department store to take some snap shots. The photo below is on a moving walk forwarding to  a fountain.

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이원순 대리는 현재 TaraTPS Co.,Ltd 대표이사 사장, 황영엽차장은 영진상사 대표이면서 지금 번역활동을 활발히 하고있다. 오정택과장은 얼마전까지 자동차 부품회사 사장으로 있다 현재 명예로운 은퇴생활을 즐기고 있고, 강성호대리는 한라공조의 부사장으로 각각 성공했다.
The guys from left to right: Willy Lee who was in charge of products now a president of Tara TPS Co., a printing company. Y.Y. Hwang who was a rep of Hyundai Corporation in Holland now a president of a trading company he is also translating books (Eglish to Korean), J.T. Oh was service manager now retired from a HMC parts manufacturing company. S.H. Kang was a marketing staff now a vice pesident of Halla Climate Control Corp.
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단, 심쎌리빔... 책을 써도 장편소설 한권은 잘 나올 분량이다.
So many episodes recalled during the dinner. The Dutch local staff at that time we still remember are Messrs. Hatdog (service), Seigors(account), Mol (marketing), Jongejan(workshop), Komain(service), the secretary Petra. Ed vanDallen(parts), Van de Weer(P.R.). I'm not sure whether or not I am spelling the names correctly. anyway..
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당시 막내였든 이원순 대리와 강성호 대리 모두 머지않아 할아버지가 될 예정이다. 이제 젊디 젊은 모습은 없어졌지만 멋진 중년신사가 되어있다.
The two guys above were the youngest staff of HMH in their age of twenties but now to be grandfather soon.

오늘 모임에 정연국대리가 사업때문에, 오인균(이코)는 연락이 안돼서 자리를 같이 못했는데 아쉽네요. 앞으로 종종 만나게 되기를 바랍니다. 
There were some other guys who absented from todays gathering Y.G. Chung and Iko due to their prior appointments.

It is regret to hear a sad news that Mr. T.P. Hong who also used to work at HMH' on an  early stage as a corporate palnning manager and later retired from HMC in late 1990's died in an accident while he was scuba diving  at palau island in the south pacific ocean. I wish him rest in peace.