2007년 6월 26일 화요일

Colleagues = Fellowship

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Some of the retired executives gathered on last Saturday. It was a periodical meeting and this time we chose an outdoor sports of mountain climbing. They were ex-colleagues who used to work with me at Kia Motors' International Business Division when I was the head and COO of the division.  As they all already left the company and each one of them is living on his own way of life, now the relationship between me and each one of them would naturally be not the one with a tension and burden of jobs of the old days. Now the relationship should be somewhat tension-free, a genuine fellowship.

It was after I retired from the office of COO of Kia Motors in January 2002 and I was just enjoying my retired life like most of retired people do in Korea which was what I had been looking forward to when coincidentally I received personal invitations by Mr.Albert Kreber and Mr. Milco de Vries to visit their country, the Netherlands and also by Mr. Panos Davaris to his beautiful country Greece by the Mediterranean Sea.
Mr. Kreber and I had known each other for over 20 years since he joined Hyundai Dutch Distributor in Holland as managing director in early 1980's and Mr. Davaris since my first visit to his office in 1993 who is the owner of Hyundai/Kia exclusive distributorship in Greece since early 1990's. These gentlemen are literally great businessmen and also entrepreneurs. I always admired their passion and entrepreneurship not to mention their excellant performance as result of their hardworks year after year.


2007년 6월 3일 일요일

김영수 전 문체부장관 일행과 산행 -2007-6-2

6월 2일 일요일에는 김영수 전 장관 일행과 산행을 같이 했다. 청계산은  현대자동차 OB들이 매주 수요일 정기산행을 하는곳이다. 나는 이곳이 집에서 멀어 참가하지 않는 산이였지만, 김 장관의 특별한 초대로 합류했다. 그러나 이날 따라 다리와 허리의 통증 때문에 제대로 산을 오르기가 힘들었다. 앞서 가는 일행을 따라 붙으려고 애를 썼지만 내 마음 같이 되지 않아 민망했다.

I joined Minister Y.S. Kim and his friends to go to mountains on June 2nd. There were several occations to climb Mt. Cheonggye with some of retired colleagues of Hyundai Motor but I have never joined them because I see the Cheonggye-san is not attractive enough for me to spend my time but I would rather trail Bukhan-san or Dobong-san which are much more attractive, steep and rugged, and that's not all but closer from where I live. Though it was not as high and steep trail as Bukhansan, my right leg and hip joint unusually distressed me during the whole course.

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김영수 한국프로농구연맹(KBL) 총재님은 내가 현대종합상사에 재임기간 동안 사외이사로 현대종합상사의 재기의 발판을 구축하는데 많은 도움을 주었다. 문민정부시절 문화체육부 장관직을 역임하였고, 장관 취임 이전에는 청와대 민정수석 비서관직을 맡기도 했었다.
공직에서 퇴임 이후는 예술의전당 이사장을 맡고 있고, 후학들의 발전을 위해 개인적으로 한국 청소년 문화 연구소를 운영하며 매년 젊은 학생들을 육십여명씩 선발하여 해외 연수를 통해 이들에게 세계관과 대한민국의 비젼을 그려주고 있다.

The 3rd from left is Ret'd Minister Kim Youngsoo who gave me great advices while he was a director of BOD of Hyundai Corporation. He was deputy minister of Central Information Agency, then Information Secretary of President Kim Youngsam and then Minister of Culture in 1990's. At present, he is president of KBL (Korea Professional Basketball League).