2007년 7월 26일 목요일

에델만 회장직을 사임했습니다.

From: Juhn, Mark
Sent: 2007.07.26 13:37
To: Pickard, Robert; @Seoul
Cc: mark.juhn@edelman.com; Kim, Tyler; Key, Margaret; Vandermolen, Alan; Edelman, Dan; Edelman, Richard; Kim, Hoh
Subject: RE: Thank you, Chairman Mark Juhn

Dear All,


They say that we should know when to leave. I think now is the time for me to leave Edelman. I have been with Edelman Korea for four years since July 2003. Even before that actually I had a kind relationship with Edelman Europe which was a PR agency of Hyundai Motor's regional office in Frankfurt, Germany.  The professional attitude and the performance of every single staff of Edelman Korea lead by Bob, Tyler as well as ex-managing director of Edelman Korea Hoh has been extraordinary and I was proud to be a part of the organization.

The past four years has been an excellent time for me and I was so happy to get to know such excellent people at Edelman Korea. All of you will be staying in my memories for my life time.

I wish you all the best,


Mark Juhn


Dear Edelman Koreans:


Earlier this year, I asked Mark to serve for another term as our Chairman. At first he favourably reflected on our invitation, but in the end he decided to decline our renewal offer, indicating that he felt the time was right. I was not successful in my effort to have him re-consider, so I regret to announce that he is stepping down with immediate effect. There will be no successor.
No successor because Mark is not the kind of man you can replace! His role with our company has always been unique in the Korean PR industry, a special relationship that goes back five years during which Edelman Korea has enjoyed its industry-famous success with Mark at the top of our corporate chart.
Mark's association with Edelman offered us respected credentials and a trusted profile. It provided me and my successors with a wealth of senior wisdom and experience that we otherwise lacked. It served to remind our young staff that while Edelman is an international organization, we are also very definitely and proudly a Korean company in Seoul.
Speaking personally, Mark has also been a fine friend to this foreigner who felt much more comfortable living in a new country knowing such a fine fellow world-traveller (but I will never catch-up to him...he has still been to 60+ more countries than me!).
I look forward to keeping in touch with Mark for years to come, but in the meantime I ask you to join me and Tyler in thanking him for distinguished service and in wishing him well for the future.
There will always be a special place in the mind and heart of Edelman Korea for Mark Juhn.


Robert Pickard
President, North Asia

2007년 7월 18일 수요일

정치판을 비웃기 전에 우리 먼저 正道를

흔히 政治版이란 말을 자주 일컫는다. 결코 좋은 뜻으로 하는 말이 아니다. 政治版이라고 할 때는 政治人 社會의 잘 못된 것들이 쌓이고 뫃아져 만들어진 이미지의 意味를 가지고 있다.
보통 사람들도 정치판을 論하지만, 잘 보면 정치인, 정치판을 비판하는 그 보통사람들도 달라 보이지 않을 때가 많다.

參與 政府 들어 靑瓦臺의 권력자의 最側近에 있는 사람들을 보면 平生을 그 權座의 울타리 안에서 살 것이라는 착각을 하고 있는 것 같은 行態를 자주 본다. 오직 한 사람만을 향한 忠誠으로 권좌의 주위에 平生을 머물 수 있을 것이라는 신념으로 대다수의 國民을 철저하게 背信하는 행태이다. 그런데 그 사람들이 과연 평생을 그 권좌의 주위에서 살 수 있느냐 이다.

그렇게 되지 안는다. 한갓 꿈이다. 絶對 아니다. 權不十年이라는 말이 있지 않은가?

우리가 사는 사회에서도 그런 비슷한 것을 어렵지 않게 볼 수 있다. 사람들은 그러려느니 하면서 살자고 한다. 그게 편하다고 한다. 그러나 이것 하나만 묻고 싶다.

당신이 권좌에 永遠히 있을 것이라는 생각에 이웃의 多數를 배신하고, 나중에 保護幕이 없어진 울타리 밖으로 나와져서는 어떻게 背信했던 사람들로 부터 容恕를 받고, 배신했던 社會에서 適應하고 살 것인지....  그래서 우리는 正道로 가야합니다.

여기에 異意를 달 사람이 있나요