현대자동차 1970년대 포니자동차 수출 초창기부터 알게된 대만의 왕공쉐이회장이 사업차 한국 출장온 김에 시간을 쪼개 지난 30년동안의 추억을 나누는 소중한 시간을 가졌다.
지난 5월 21일 고 정세영 회장의 3주기일에 'Pony 정 혁신상 시상식'이 있던 날이다. 추모식에 참석후 2005년 정회장께서 작고하기 열흘전에 병문안차 한국에 왔다 대만으로 귀국후 바로 작고소식을 듣고 다시 장례식에 참석했던 왕회장에게 오늘이 3주기였다는 것을 알려주는 메일을 보내면서 그의 한국 방문출장 계획을 알고 만나기로 했던 것. 아무리 사업상 알게된 인연이지만 30년 넘게 관계를 유지할 수 있다는 게 누구한테건 감사하고 싶은 마음이다.
Mr. Jack Wang once who was a Hyundai distributor in Taiwan from the beginning stage of Hyundai's with its own model PONY and now a billionair in Taiwan visited Seoul, Korea on a business trip. Jack is at present engaged in various business such as manufacturing, real estate business and IPP (independent power plant) business. He was kind enough to share some time with old friends of HMC. He and I have known each other for over 30 years though he is no more involved in distributorship for Hyundai Motor in Taiwan.
Roy Kim joined me in welcoming Jack at the hotel.
Jack looked healthy and active as he used to be though he lost his hair a little bit more now.

When I happened to know Jack for the first time was when I was in my mid 30's. I appreciate God for this excellent and wonderful relationship that we both have maintained during the past three decades.

Jack was accompanied by his 2nd son Ansun and the lovely daughter Charlene. The first time I met this young guys was when they were pupils. John, the first son is now in Taipei working for his father.

In the evening YI Lee invited Jack and me to a dinner at Park Hyatt hotel. Three of us kept talking and talking. Mr. Jack Wang and me are enjoying the meal at his restaurant.

Time certainly flies. When I met Jack for the first time, we were 35 or 36 of age. Now?
I don't want to talk about it. His children call me 'Uncle.'
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YI Lee, the host & vice chairman of the hotel and Jack Wang, a Taiwanese great entrepreneur took a pose for a shot. All look happy after glasses of wine.