Mr. Bob Pickard, former president of Edelman North Asia and now president of Burson Marsteller of Asia Pacific visited Seoul on his business trip.
He and I have known each other since 2002 when he was managing director of Edelman Korea where he turned the struggling consulting firm around to be a strong and the best one in terms of clients satisfaction and revenue growth in Korea. He left a huge footprint in Edelman's history ever.
Bob saved some time to share with me today out of his busy schedule and that I appreciate. We had a lunch together at Lotte hotel and exchanged our insights over a global economy.
전 에델만 북아시아 사장이며, 현 버슨-마스텔러 아시아 태평양 사장인 밥 피카드씨가 서울에 왔다.
나는 그를 기아차 해외 홍보를 맡겼던 2002년 부터 알고 지낸다. 당시 에델만 코리아 사장. 그는 부임후 획기적으로 에델만한국지사를 회생시켜 한국에서 고객만족 최고의 PR회사로 만드는 커다란 족적을 남겼다.