2010년 3월 10일 수요일

눈... 눈이 쌓였네

어제저녁 기상예보에 눈이 올꺼라는 소릴 듣고 약간 흥분되어 표나지 않게 기대했는~데 아침에 일어나 창밖을 보니 새하얗다. 눈이 왔다. 아마 이번 겨울 마지막 설경일지도 모른다는 생각에 ...

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KAIST OLEV 관련 외신 기사

친환경 자동차 (Eco Vehicle)에 대한 소식은 거의 매일 나온다. 오늘은 우리에게 자랑스런 기사다. 자동차 블로그인 AutoblogGreen에 실린 우리나라 KAIST가 개발한  과천 대공원에서 시험운행되고 있는 전기자동차에 대한 기사 원문을 그대로 옮겨 놓았다. 외국인들이 많이 읽기 바라면서 원문 영어로 된 기사를 그냥 올려놓습니다.


In September, the Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) demonstrated the technical concept for the On Line Electric Vehicle (OLEV) using individual cars (which were really kind of cute – see them here). Today, the KAIST launched an actual prototype electric train that draws energy through non-contact magnetic charging from power strips embedded in the road. The train, with three cars, is now in use at an amusement park in Gwacheon, south of Seoul. The power strips are only required in 400 meters of the 2.2-kilometer (1.4-mile) route, or about 18-20 percent of the total distance. KAIST will build a larger system in Seoul for buses if the technology in the train proves successful.

Why is all this important? Because, by drawing energy from the road as it moves along, the train can use a battery that is only 20 percent as large and powerful as would otherwise be required. There's a serious cost reduction as well – with the cost shifted to installing the power strips into the road. Overall, the total cost for electric vehicles is about a third of what standalone electric vehicles cost. KAIST president Suh Nam-Pyo had high praise for the technology:

The potential for application (of this technology to public transport systems) is limitless. I dare say this is one of the most significant technical gains in the 21st century.