아래 편지는 1997년에 현대자동차 해외영업본부 남미담당시절에 브라질에 자동차 공장을 건설하기 위한 프로젝트로 브라질을 여러차례 출장을 갔었습니다. 당시 브라질 대리점인
Mr. Reginaldo Regino 소유의 Hyundai do Brazil 에서 근무하던 Project Manager Mr. Eduardo Simoes가 그때를 회상하게 하는 메일을 보내왔습니다. 과거에 일 때문에 알았던 현대자동차 직원들의 이름도 모두 기억하고 있어 여기 블로그에 올립니다. Eduardo의 이메일 주소를 원하시는 분은 말씀하시면 개별적으로 전해드리겠습니다. *^-^*
아래 사진에 생산기술 박황호전무와 남미담당 허 수대리가 보입니다. 지금은 무엇들 하고 있는지...

Dear Mark,
Mr. Reginaldo Regino 소유의 Hyundai do Brazil 에서 근무하던 Project Manager Mr. Eduardo Simoes가 그때를 회상하게 하는 메일을 보내왔습니다. 과거에 일 때문에 알았던 현대자동차 직원들의 이름도 모두 기억하고 있어 여기 블로그에 올립니다. Eduardo의 이메일 주소를 원하시는 분은 말씀하시면 개별적으로 전해드리겠습니다. *^-^*
아래 사진에 생산기술 박황호전무와 남미담당 허 수대리가 보입니다. 지금은 무엇들 하고 있는지...
Dear Mark,
First of all , thank you for your time and CONGRATULATIONS!
You are doing a tremendous job at HMC.
I am a little peanut to analyse, but all contact we had in the past left me the impressions of your way of thinking, how to have the things done and your respect to others.
I feel proud about you and your career and mainly because I had the opportunity to have a good and close contact with you during the project in Brazil.
I still remember your last words to me at Guarulhos Airport: " You'll have good fruits, Eduardo". Yes, I have learned a lot during that time, been in touch with you and all colleagues of HMC.
Unfortunately things happen and the business as bankrupted. Reginaldo, no news.
Many times I remember a lot of moments and the people of HMC : Mr Baik, Kevin Chung( he sings pretty good in the Karaoke), SK Lee, S. Hur, Yoon, Hong(Kenny- always friendly and helpful person), Mr Park and Lee ( Ulsan Plant) Mr Park was president , wasn't he? Joana of the Ceremonial Ulsan Plant that kindly helped me a lot in 97 when I had the facial nerve paralysis during the trip. (that were very tough days!!) Bottom line,very good moments and learning, at all . Please say my best regards to them.
After all I visited Korea 10 times, I have a lot of good things to remember! Once a month Luci and I go to Korean restaurant in Aclimação( You were there) or in Bom Retiro quarter do have a Kalbi, Kimtshi, bulgogii and drink soju. She loves Korean food. Tipshida!!!
You are perfectly right about 100 degree, 10% more faster & better, let's praise; all campaign brings good will, honor and the sense of participation, recognition and importance. Makes positive and proud day. So, luck happens! I was lucky been in touch with you.
At VW Brasil, Dr Sauer introduced a campaign called "Proposal Plan" to improve everything. The motto was: "One proposal per employee per year". VW had about 40.000 heads that time.VW had a matrix to find a score in accordance with position and responsibility. Lower the position and responsibility involved, bigger the bonus. My group received the first place in volume of proposals (11,4 per head/year) and second place in value (US$ 5 millions saving) .
End 1999, I started as General Manager at Kautex Textron 100km far from SP, blowing fuel tanks, ducts and reservoirs for OEMs. I introduced the " Proposal Plan Campaign" with a very simple motto: One proposal, one blue cap. It was fantastic, after three months almost everybody (150 employees) was using a blue cap and showing many others over their tables and we collected about 600 proposals. Many people start receiving praises and little bonus due to the size of the company, but all corners were clean, little things done, shoe shinning, no nuts on the floor, people talking positively; it was great!
You are right about the ambulance. Let's fix small things and the big will be bigger.
This year only Kautex Brasil received ISO 14000 Certification with honor, among 25 plants worldwide. I left the company beginning 2001. From beginning 2002 up to last November we had a small company in Sao Paulo taking care about cars .Cleaning, polishing, renewing. Very simple job, many things to do, many people to talk and a lot of problems to solve. We were alone doing the business, Luci my wife and my right arm and me. So, after 6 years without holidays, somebody made an offer and we decided to sell the business..
Now we are at home looking to the garden, listening to the birds and writing to you.
How did I find your blog?
Now I can be a little bit more cyman. Time that I didn't have treating cars.
Some weeks ago I submitted my resume to SPX, an American Company. They are looking for a General Manager for a branch in Sao Paulo.
Looking to SPX's site I wondered about many special tools and equipments they supply HYUNDAI. The HM ALABAMA is a nice plant. I saw the movies. And so I start thinking about you and trying to find you and I found !!! Was great!! Suddenly you appear smiling!!!
You look like great and healthy. "No white hair".
What a nice trekking in Kinabalu." What about the legs nowadays?
Your son (Joon?) worries about , but I am sure he is proud about his Dad.
The road in Bolivia is unbelievable. Thank you for sharing your experience and your way of thinking with the world so I could meet you again. I hope many executives (not only) start reading your experience.
I'd say thanks God (any God you know) or thanks Bill Gates?
I hope everything is fine with you and you family, have a nice day.
Our best regards,
Sorry to waste your time but for me this is so valuable moment.