Mark Juhn's Blog는 자동차의 이산화탄소 배출문제의 심각성을 대중에 알림으로써 일상 생활에서 필수교통수단을 어떻게 선택하고 현명하게 사용할 것인가를 생각하게 함을 목적으로 한다.
“Positive words have enough force as that would be required for eggs to break a stone.”
This phrase gives a straightforward description of the power that positive thinking has.
In the trading industry, which is enjoying a “second heyday” with the recent success in overseas resource development projects, there is a CEO who is elucidating the power of positive words.
President & CEO Mark Juhn of Hyundai Corporation has been recently focusing on elucidating the “power of positive words” to his employees, following his “theory on luck (If you think you are lucky, you will indeed become lucky)”.
The power of positive words described by CEO Juhn is as follows:
Every one of us talks. The words that one speaks have in them “energy” that is unique to that one person. This “energy” embodies the thoughts of the person and is wholly transferred to the party he/she is talking to.
The main point of CEO Juhn’s theory on being positive is that having positive, rather than negative, thoughts leads to the development of an organization or individual.
When CEO Juhn meets his employees or acquaintances, he recommends a recently published book titled “Positive Words, Powerful Results” written by Hal Urban.
This is a book that describes how positive words, which can open up the hearts of other people, can lead to powerful results, based on the writer’s own experience. The powerful results that positive words can bring include making the other party open up to you, changing despair to hope, giving the other party courage, expressing gratitude and respect, and leading to the success of both you and the other party.
CEO Juhn especially likes the part in the book where it says, “Simply hearing positive words gives people vitality, laughter, and overflowing energy. On the other hand, simply thinking of negative words makes people mad and uneasy, and also creates a dark atmosphere.”
We often have negative thoughts while living our daily lives. The world is getting even tougher, which is leading to more and more negative thoughts.
Maybe this is the reason why we are moved emotionally with CEO Juhn’s theory on the power that positive words have.
“Around the year 2009, Hyundai Corporation will turn into a company with annual net profit of 90 ~ 100 billion won” said Mark Juhn, CEO of Hyundai Corporation.
Still undergoing workout (corporate restructuring program), Hyundai Corporation recorded 23.9 billion net profit won last year.
“From the Yemen LNG project for which we cleared up the difficulties in participation, we are expected to get 30 billion won of the annual dividend for 24 years from 2008 on” said Mark” and “on top of this, when the other dividend from our ongoing Western Kamchatka project and Vietnam project are added, we are going to secure total 60 billion won of annual profit only from the energy resources development” explained CEO Juhn.
Last month, Hyundai agreed to receive 100% project financing completion guarantee from KOGAS in exchange for its 2.88% equity out of 5.9% equity of YLNG.
Mark explained, “ As the company is going through the workout program, we had faced some difficulties in getting the completion guarantee” and “ but now we could find a way to secure investment proportional to the equity.”
The reason he could be so sure of that the net profit would be as much as 4 times from 2009 is that the efforts that he has made to have mid-term or long term profit sources are now starting to show fruitful results. In other words, the project of ‘building 3 core businesses’ which include energy resource development, shipbuilding and trading is taking the root in the ground.
“With a large infrastructure investment in Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding, we’ll have a structure generating 10 billion annual profit by increasing the production capacity of twice from 7 to 15 vessels next year” and “ in addition, we’ll achieve 20 billion won of net profit annually from the trading, mainly steel industry” also announced Mark.
Qingdao Hyundai Shipbuilding of which Hyundai Corp has 80% equity has ever received several shipbuilding orders for 28 small/mid-sized tankers (approximately 303 million dollars) from ship-owners such as Evalend and Agean.
He emphasized, “My duty is to rebuild Hyundai Corporation as a promising one to find a new owner at a reasonable price” and “as the company had already slimmed the organization from strict corporate restructuring and secured mid/long-term profitable foundations, no one would not lose the investment money when buying this company, although the creditors are in charge of this matter”