에델만 코리아/일본에서 근무하다 에델만을 떠나 모국인 카나다로 귀국한 Bob Pickard가 모처럼 서울을 방문했다. 저녁식사 같이 하자는 연락을 며칠전에 받았다. 약속 장소인 하야트호텔 파리스 그릴에 맨 먼저 도착하자 정시에 세 사람이 약속이라도 한듯이 함께 뭉쳐서 들어온다.
Bob Pickard who used to live in Korea and also in Japan for years until last summer came to Seoul on his business trip and invited me and his fellow ex-colleagues Hoh and Tyler for dinner at Paris Grille in Hyatt Hotel. We have kept in touch via facebook and also emailing.

Clockwise, Tyler Kim, managing director of Edelman Korea, me and Bob Pickard ex-president of Edelman North East Asia which covers Korea and Japan and Hoh Kim, Bob's immediate successor now he is doing his own consulting business called THE LAB that mainly focused on Crisis Management. The dinner hosted by Bob started with Vodka and Scotch as usual then red wine with main dish.
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오래만에 만났는데 밥만 먹고 그냥 헤여질 수 없지 않은가? 우리는 아래층 JJ Club의 Bar에 내려가 데킬라를 몇잔 더 마셨다. 모두 혈색이 좋다. 기분도 업된다.
At the Bar of JJ club in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, four of us enjoyed glasses of Tequila. One shot !!! You know what? we call it 'One shot' not 'Buttoms up'. of course it's Konglish.
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I wish that Bob's new business plan to be well carried out to make a big success as he turned Edelman around in Korea . Good luck to you Bob.

회장님. 어제 정말 오랫만에 즐거운 시간이었습니다. 여전히 정력적이시고, 쿨하신 회장님 뵈며 더욱 반가웠구요. 앞으로도 이런 시간이 가끔있으면 좋겠습니다. 언제 광화문이나 일산으로 넘어갈 때 연락드리고 또 찾아뵙겠습니다. It was great to see you, my Chairman.
답글삭제@Hoh - 2009/01/30 10:35
답글삭제내가 늘 고맙게 생각하고 있습니다. 한잔 더 하자는 Bob의 제의를 도저히 떨쳐버릴 수가 없었답니다. 행복한 시간이였습니다.
Dear Mark, thanks for having shared with your former colleagues (and subordinates) the benefit and excitement of your time. As always, your dynamic personality and terrific sense of humour made for a most memorable evening. Thanks again, Mr. Chairman. All the best, Bob.
답글삭제@Bob Pickard - 2009/01/30 15:03
답글삭제It's me who should thank you, the host, for the wonderful time last evening. I look forward to seeing you again. mark
Hi. My name is Yumiko, a former colleague of Bob in Japan (I am still at Edelman Japan). It looks a fabulous gentle men night !
답글삭제@Yumiko - 2009/01/30 21:10
답글삭제Thanks! It was a fabulous stag party.
비밀 댓글 입니다.
답글삭제@Anonymous - 2009/02/03 09:11
답글삭제흥미있는 일입니다. 옛날 미국서 근무할 때 경쟁사 차종 많이 시승하며 우리 제품과 비교했었는데... 기회 주신다면 한번 해보겠습니다. 연락 드리지요.