Today's participants clockwise from back line: Mark Juhn(CEO of HMA and then Hyundai Corp), H.K. Cho, Y.H. Yoon, T.J. Kim, John Kim, Y.I. Lee (CEO of HMA and now CEO of Ssang Yong Motors), J.N. KIm, H.W. Baik(CEO of HMA), Y.S. KIm(CEO of HMMA, Alabama, U.S.A), D.O. Chung(CEO of HMA ), Stan Lee.
There are all CEOs of succesive generation of HMA; H.W. Baik, D.O. Chung, Y.I. Lee and Mark Juhn.

Alan Kim, H.W. Baik, Y.I. Lee and D.O. Chung are approaching the entrance gate of the Donghaksa Temple
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오늘 코스는 동학사 주차장을 출발, 동학사-은선폭포-관음봉고개-삼불봉-남매탑- 동학사로 돌아오는 거리는 길지 않은 편이지만 좀 험했다는..
You can see there are so many small stones stacked. Maybe supplicating for good luck?
To better enjoy the photos you need to click the photo to enlarge.

Down below you see the parking lot and the Temple Donghak where we started hiking.
It looks not very far but it took two hour to get up to the peak.

On the summit of the peak Gwaneum, all members except Y.H Yoon and John Kim.

관음봉에서 동학사로 다시 한산하는 길은 삼불봉을 지나 남매탑을 거쳐 내려간다.관음봉에서 삼불봉까지는 칼날 같은 좁은 바위능선을 타고 간다.
The trail along the narrow ridge connecting
Gwaneumbong and Sambulbong.
Click the photo then you will see people crawl on the edge like ants.
사진을 클릭해서 확대 해보면 더 좋은 사진으로 감상할 수있다. Click the photos to better enjoy them.

오늘코스는 동학사-은선촉포-관음봉-삼불봉-남매탐-동학사로 돌아오는 코스였다.
The trail all the way down to the base was man-made stonesteps which is quite slippery.

The dinner was sponsored by Mr. Y.H. Yoon. Mucho gracias Sr. Yoon
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