He's aggressive ................................................................she's pushy.
He's good on details...........................................................she's picky.
He loses his temper because he's so involved in his job.........she's bitchy.
When he's depressed everone tiptoes past his office..............when she's moody so it must be her time of month.
He follows through..............................................................she dosen't know when to quit.
He's confident....................................................................she's conceited.
He stands firm....................................................................she's hard.
Hes judgements .................................................................are her prejudices.
He's a man of the world.......................................................she's been around.
He drinks because of excessive job pressure.........................she's lush.
He isn't afraid to say what he thinks.......................................she's mouthy.
He excercises authority diligently...........................................she' power mad.
He's close mouthed.............................................................she's secretive.
He climbed the ladder of success..........................................she slept her way to the top.
He's a stem taskmaster........................................................she's hard to work for.
이걸 읽은 여성 방문자가 나를 성차별한다고 할지도 몰라.
This is only a joke. Believe me. I'm not a sexual discriminator *^0^*
ㅎㅎㅎ, 성차별이 분명한데요?!!!
답글삭제@Juanpsh - 2009/04/28 23:47
답글삭제저는 아닙니다. 이 조크를 처음 만든 사람이 분명 그런 사람이겠지요. 저는 오히려 Feminist랍니다. 아닌가?