화장터에서 시신이 탄 재를 뿌리는 강물에 사람들은 발을 담그고 앉아 그 강물을 손을 떠서 자기 머리에 뿌린다.
아래 얼굴에 횟가루를 뿌린 것 같은 또는 얼굴에 노랗고 빨간 물감으로 무늬를 그린 이상한 모습을 하고있는 광대같은 사람들은 말이 없다. 꼭 저승사자 같다. 화장터 옆에 살면서 저승에 데리고 갈 사람을 찾는 게 아닌가 하는 끔찍한 생각을 문득하게된다.

Mark Juhn's Blog는 자동차의 이산화탄소 배출문제의 심각성을 대중에 알림으로써 일상 생활에서 필수교통수단을 어떻게 선택하고 현명하게 사용할 것인가를 생각하게 함을 목적으로 한다.
톨카에서 담푸스까지 오는 길은 비에 젖어 미끄러웠다. 배낭에 넣었던 고어텍스 윈드재킷을 꺼내 비옷을 대신했다. 원래 비탈길에 만들어 놓은 돌계단이 긴세월동안 맨질 맨질하게 닳아 미끄럽기도 했지만 비가 와서 더욱 미끄러웠다. 네팔의 산간지방은 소형 발전소에서 발전해 가정에 송전을 한다고 하나 전력이 부족해 정전이 자주 발생하고 또 제한적으로 송전하는 것 같았다.
이른 아침에 일출을 보기 위해 6시에 기상하여 롯지에서 멀지 않은 언덕에 올라 갔으나 이날도 역시 날씨는 우리를 도와주지 않았다. 구름속에 같혀있는 안나푸르나 연봉은 보일듯 말듯 약올리기만 했다.
While we were walking from Tolka(1,700m) to Damphus(1,650m) it rained all the way, some times scary thunder from the threatening sky. The trail was wet and slippery. We had to put on a wind jacket as a rain coat. When we arrived and checked in a lodge in Damphus there was no electic lighting but only candles lit the dark rooms.
We woke up early next morning and went to a hill where we had heard it was a nice spot to see the sun rising and a morning view of Annapurna South. But it was regretfully hazy again.
Kathy Jackson
Automotive News
February 10, 2008 - 3:06 pm ET
Len Hunt, left, and Ian Beavis |
Officials also confirmed to dealers that Ian Beavis, vice president of marketing, also has left the company. In an email to Automotive News Saturday, Beavis said he could not comment. Hunt did not return phone calls.
It is not immediately known why Hunt and Beavis left their positions. On Feb. 5, Kia announced that Byung Mo Ahn had been named to the newly created position of chairman and group CEO of Kia Motors America and Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, the automotive plant currently under construction in West Point, Ga. Ahn most recently held the position of CEO of Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia.
"Ahn was appointed to this position due to the importance of the United States market to the automotive industry and in terms of Kia's global operations. He will be based at KMA's corporate campus in Irvine, Calif.," Kia said in a prepared statement.
The statement further said that "Ahn brings to the organization more than 30 years experience with the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group. Ahn has held various positions within Kia Motors Corp. and Hyundai Motor Co., including president and CEO of Kia Motors America from 1999 through 2001 when he guided the company through unprecedented growth and record sales of more than 40 percent during his tenure."
Hunt replaced Peter Butterfield, who was fired as CEO of Kia Motors America at a dealer meeting in October 2005. Butterfield was hired by Ahn.
Kia's sales had risen under Hunt, and that's why he was promoted to CEO, the company wrote in a release on Nov. 12, 2007.
"This decision reflects a solid vote of confidence in the leadership of Len Hunt," E.S. Chung, president and CEO of Kia Motors Corp. wrote in the statement. "He has put together and empowered a team of seasoned professionals to help Kia flexibly meet the changing U.S. market situation, and he is the right choice to lead the company going forward."
Kia's sales were down 5.2 percent to 21,355 units in January 2008 compared to January 2007. All car nameplates were up except the full-sized Amanti sedan. Truck sales were down 30.7 percent. Kia will begin selling the Borrego, its first midsized V8 powered SUV in the United States in late spring or early summer as a 2009 model.
Hunt, 51, had been executive vice president of VW of America Inc. before joining Kia as COO. Before that, he was vice president of Audi of America Inc. Hunt joined Kia because he did not want to accept a VW position that would have required him to go to Europe to oversee worldwide marketing for Bentley.
Beavis, 54, joined Kia in May, 2005 after leaving Mitsubishi Motors North America Inc. in Nov. 2004 as vice president of marketing. Beavis also worked in marketing at Ford of Australia and Lincoln-Mercury Division in the United States. He worked on the Toyota account at Saatchi & Saatchi and headed the San Francisco and Seattle offices for Foote, Cone & Belding on the DaimlerChrysler account.
The Koreans have been at odds with their American executives in this country.
In addition to Butterfield being fired in 2005, Bob Cosmai the CEO of Hyundai Motor America was fired in January, 2006. He was replaced by Steve Wilhite, who was hired as the COO in August, 2006. Wilhite left the company in September, 2007.
=========================================================================================================There was tension in the room. Kia dealers went to their make meeting yesterday wanting to know whether rumors were true that Len Hunt, CEO of Kia Motors America, and Ian Beavis, vice president of sales, had left the company.
They soon got confirmation that Hunt - named CEO a mere two months earlier - and Beavis had resigned.
The rumors had been flying here since Friday. And when Hunt and Beavis were no-shows at the Kia reception Saturday, confusion swirled. Although many believed the rumors to be true, most employees and dealers at the party said they had received no formal word.
Tom Loveless, Kia's vice president of sales, chaired the make meeting. After about 30 minutes with no mention of either Hunt or Beavis, Tacoma, Wash., dealer Ken Phillips stood up and asked about Hunt.
"They said he (Hunt) resigned this morning and so did Ian Beavis," Phillips told Automotive News after the meeting.
It then became clear that Ahn Byung Mo, who on Feb. 5 had been named to the newly created position of chairman and group CEO of Kia Motors America and Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, would take over Hunt's duties.
Ahn already is CEO of Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia. He also served as CEO of Kia Motors America from 1999 through 2001.
Don Hicks, owner of Shortline Kia in Aurora, Colo., says the dealers were concerned. "This is not the first time this has happened," he says.
Peter Butterfield, Hunt's predecessor, was fired as CEO at a dealer meeting in Las Vegas in 2005.