이 상일 사장 옆에 루이스, 리즈 그리고 나. 이 사진 보내주면 고맙다고 하겠지?
When we were flying by the Himalayas, the small airplane was shaking a little bit. Stan seemed a little scared. He was grapping the armrest with all his (?) might. The airplane had 30 passenger seats. While we were waiting for our bagages at the Pokhara airport we happened to talk with ladies about our planned courses. They introduced themselves they are Canadians and one of them was visiting her sister who is staying in Kathmandu, Nepal. We took a snap shot with a hope of success in trekking of both of us.

아래 사진은 나야폴에서 트레킹을 시작하는 출발점이라 할 수 있는 곳
Below is one of the entrances of trekking course in Nayapol. It was our startting point.

한 40분쯤 가다 점심식사를 하기로 했다. 우리가 잠시 머문 식당 옆으로 십여필의 조랑말들이 힘겹게 무거운 짐을 싣고 산길을 걸어가고 있는 광경을 처음 목격했다. 이런 광경은 고레파니 가는 동안 자주 눈에 띄였다.
When we were waiting for lunch to be served, we happened to see a herd of ponys with heavy looking cargos on their backs. We often saw such herd of horses on the way to Gorepani. Our guide said some of them carries cargoes as far as Jonsom tens of kilo-meters in 2,000 meters high mountians.

왜 이런 험한 산골에서 사는지 알수 없는 일. 그러나 그들의 얼굴 표정은 행복하기만 하다.
It is hard to understand why theses people are dwelling in this mountainous area. As if they are puzzling me with such questions, they look so happy .
첫날의 트레킹은 그리 먼길은 아니였지만. 그래도 긴장된다.
I was a little excited and thrilled with this first trekking in Himalayas and also nervous though I have prepared for this during the last two years.

네시간 산행후에 우리는 드디어 첫 숙소인 산장에 도착해서 짐을 풀었다.
After four hours walking we reached at a lodge where we will stay for the night.

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