It was so cold that we couldn't have a sound sleep even in a goose-down sleeping bag. The plywoods-made-room was not well built to block cold air from out side. We departed the lodge early in the morning. All the trails made by the dwellers in the mountains were made with rocks and flat stones connecting the small villages scattered here and there in the mountains. As the villages are located in the slopes, people had to develop farms near their homes. The solid farming developed on the slopes are amazing and wonder how they made this.
아래 놓여있는 배낭은 우리가 메고 다니는 것들. 그러나 제일 큰 것은 무게가 30kg 이상 나가지만 체격이 그리크지 않은 우리 포터 '니마'는 그 큰 짐을 이마로 메고 잘도 올라 간다.
The bags in the below photo are the ones we are carrying. Our porter was not a big guy but he carries a huge cargo bag weighing over 30 kilograms and walk up faster than me.

우리는 저 높은 고개를 넘어 가야 한다.
We had to go over the high hill in front of us.
이런 현수교는 건널때면 죄우로 흔들리는게 중심 잡기가 힘들어 요령이 필요하다.
There were not a few such suspension bridge like seen below that sways while walking on the bridge to cross a river.

짐 싣고 높은 산을 넘나드는 말들의 행렬. 이 말들은 상인들이 산속에서 사는 사람들에게 판매하기 위한 생활필수품을 실어 나른다.
A herd of horses are carrying stuffs that people need for everyday life.

산중턱 1,960 미터 고도의 우렐리(1,960m)에서 점심식사를 휴식을 하면서 기다린다. 이들의 점심 식사준비는 대략 40 분이상 걸리는 것 같다. 별로 바빠 보이지도 안는데.
Take a rest at Ureli for lunch after four hours of trekking. When we order for a meal it takes normally at least 40 minutes to be served.

히말라야에 온다는 마음에 나는 언제나 하얀눈에 덮여있는 길을 머리속에 그리고 있었다. 그러나 막상 이곳에 왔을 때는 상황은 많이 달랐다. 위도가 위도인 만큼 비록 해발 2,500 미터일지라도 눈은 없고 대신 이런 정글을 지날때가 많았다.
Before I get to Himalaya i concieved that I will trek on snow covered trails in the mountains. But it was wrong. There are many parts that I have to pass such dark jungle pathes like below.

드디어 오후 4시35분에 고레파니(2,860m) 도착! 11시간을 걸었으니! 분명 내 능력을 초월한 이변이다.
아래 작은 탐은 고레파니 중심거리에 있는 신사 같은 것.
At 4:35pm we arrived at Gorepani (2,860m). I walked for 11 hours today. It was srprised.
I was wondering if I really could walk in the mountains for such long time. But I made it.
The white monument (below) is a kind of shrine of buddists.

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