2009년 7월 2일 목요일

미국 6월 자동차 판매보고

6월 미국자동차 판매는 Ford의 판매감소세가 주춤한(-10.7%) 덕에 지난 9개월 동안에 가장 낮은, 27.7%의 판매감소를 보였다. 모든 브랜드가 판매감소했으나 유일하게 일본의 Subaru만이 3.4% 판매증가했다. 현대자동차그룹은 상반기 6개월의 판매 누계는 전년 동기비 한 자리 수인 -9.4% 감소로 선방한 셈이다.  

U.S. light-vehicle sales (all manufacturers have reported)
Automaker June 2009 June 2008 Pct. chng. 6 month
6 month
Pct. chng.
BMW Group* 20,879 26,192 –20.3% 114,628 158,135 –27.5%
Chrysler Group LLC** 68,297 117,457 –41.9% 471,197 867,826 –45.7%
Daimler AG*** 16,286 22,139 –26.4% 93,745 130,796 –28.3%
Ford Motor Co.**** 154,873 173,462 –10.7% 773,242 1,172,521 –34.1%
General Motors***** 174,785 262,329 –33.4% 947,518 1,589,235 –40.4%
Honda (American)† 100,420 142,539 –29.5% 530,778 798,358 –33.5%
Hyundai Group†† 64,788 78,325 –17.3% 352,090 388,685 –9.4%
Isuzu 364 165 3,339 –95.1%
Jaguar Land Rover‡ 2,875 3,560 –19.2%
Maserati 111 213 –47.9% 593 1,353 –56.2%
Mazda 13,729 23,771 –42.2% 100,381 153,141 –34.5%
Mitsubishi 4,362 7,494 –41.8% 26,467 53,883 –50.9%
Nissan††† 58,298 75,848 –23.1% 347,744 522,322 –33.4%
Porsche 902 2,650 –66.0% 9,659 15,086 –36.0%
Subaru 18,620 18,007 3.4% 93,306 94,095 –0.8%
Suzuki 2,149 9,784 –78.0% 22,408 56,247 –60.2%
Toyota‡ 131,653 193,234 –31.9% 770,447 1,240,087 –37.9%
VW‡‡‡ 26,674 31,626 –15.7% 135,510 162,175 –16.4%
Other (estimate) 400 524 –23.7% 2,400 3,137 –23.5%
TOTAL 860,101 1,189,518 –27.7% 4,810,464 7,413,981 –35.1%

Numbers in this table are calculated by Automotive News based on actual monthly sales reported by the manufacturers and may differ from numbers reported elsewhere.
Source: Automotive News Data Center
Note: Other includes estimates for Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Lotus
*Includes Mini and Rolls-Royce
**Fiat assumed management control of Chrysler on June 10, 2009. DaimlerChrysler sold the Chrysler group on Aug. 3, 2007
***Incudes Maybach, Mercedes-Benz and Smart
****Includes Jaguar and Land Rover (through May 31, 2008) and Volvo
*****Includes Saab
†Includes Honda Division and Acura
††Includes Hyundai and Kia
†††Includes Nissan Division and Infiniti
‡Tata Motors includes Jaguar and Land Rover as of June 1, 2008
‡‡Includes Toyota Division, Lexus and Scion
‡‡‡Includes VW, Audi and Bentley

[Source: Automotive News]

댓글 2개:

  1. 휴 일본자동차가 강세군요..

    제생각으로는 경차를 좀더 많이 만들었음 싶네요..

    기름값도 비싼요즘에 큰차 몰아봤자 손해일거 같아서요 ^^

  2. @작은소망 - 2009/07/03 12:29
    도요다 혼다는 30%안팍으로 전년동기비 판매 감소했지만 미국시장에서 주름잡는 브랜드입니다. 어떤 자동차메이커든 앞으로는 Hybrid car나 전기차(EV)가 없으면 경쟁에서 살아남기 힘들 것입니다.
