산장앞에서 잠시 아래를 내려다 보았습니다. 저 아래 산장과 캠핑장이 아스라하게 보입니다.
We departed from Hodakadake lodge @6:30am for the summit of Okuhodakatake. Down the base you can see Garasawa lodge and a camping site.

호다카다케에서 정상으로 오르는 길입니다, 처음 부터 수직벽을 철사다리를 잡고 기어 올라갑니다. 아래 사진에는 사람들이 바위에 붙어 올라가고 있는 것이 보입니다. (모든 사진을 클릭하면 확대해 볼수 있습니다.)
The winding paths is hardly visible. All the routes in the mountains are like this which calls for extreme causion. You can spot several climbers on the rock in the photos above and below when enlarge the photo by a click.

드디어 정상을 밟았습니다. 사실 밟지는 못합니다. 송곳 끝같이 좁아 올라 설 수가 없습니다. 노인클럽 4인방이 정상에 오른 것입니다. 아래 사진; 앞부터 이병기 선생, 정인성 선생, 필자 그리고 뒤에 계신분이 주용국 선생.
Finally we made it. We reached the top of the Okuhodakatake. Far behind there is the 2nd peak of the North Alps, Yarikadake(3,180m). My companions were the gentlemen we got to know by joining this trekking journey. They were about my age and well experienced in mountaineering.

After a 2 and a half hours of scaling I reached the summit of the Mt.Okuhodakadake.
There was a little and tidy sign of the height 3,190m.

This is the moment I will be keeping in my memory forever. The pinnacle far behind is Yarikadake(3,180m).
A complementory letter from a Dutch friend Mr. Bert Kreber
답글삭제FW: Greeting from Holland
보낸 사람: Bert Kreber(Kreber@kroymanscorporation.com)
보낸 날짜: 2007년 9월 8일 토요일 오전 2:45:36
받는 사람: 전명헌 (mjuhn@hotmail.com)
Great to hear that you are climbing the mountains in Japan, and I know that the mountains in Switzerland were always very interesting sightseeing point. I know you are a good climber when I see all the pictures on your blog with all friends mountain climbing.
You are really challenging yourself to write a book. I think it should be very interesting. The most difficult I think is to rememberr all the happenings with dates etc. I think it is a hard work. I am writing you now while being in france. The weather is beautiful (25 degrees). This morning I made a tour on my racing bike through the hills. First time since two weeks, since I was operated on my legs (stripping the veins). Nothing serious, but making my legs look beautiful again (for the short sleeves). I do also a lot of cooking here, my wife likes that very much. My favourite is fresh tuna fish, marinated in sojasauce, lemon juice and small pieces, some sake, some mirin, a little bit honey, thincut coriander. Marinating for a half hour, and then grill it on each side barely 1,5-2 minutes. That is all. At the same time cooking the marinating sauce till it is thicker, and spread the sauce over the tuna, with rice and small beans. Delicious. I got fond of it during our trip last January to South Africa. Coming January we are going again, with friends to South Africa. Beautiful climate, and now we take other parts, but stay a few days in the Stellenbosch wine area to purchase and ship South African wines to Holland.
I am still busy with Milco for China. I was there last week to prepare the establishment of a representative office for Kroymans. End October we are going again to recruit Chinese people.When I return from France I am going to Romania where I have privately a real estate project , with building apartments.
I talked to Hank lee last time when he was in Holland. Great guy , one of the great experts in car business. Somewhere in autumn when I will visit germany, I will visit the Kia office.
Dear Mark, great that you still have so many challenges. I remember all the special times with you ( they were the best). Keep in touch and success with your book
Bert Kreber
Executive Advisor
Kroymans Corporation
Marathon 3
P.O.Box 383
70년대 후반에 네델란드에서 주재원 생활을 같이 해 오랜 친구가 된 황 영엽씨한테서 메일이 왔습니다. 코멘트를 달고 싶은데 되질 않는다고... 그래서 대신 메일을 이렇게 옮겨 놓았습니다. 황형 고마워요. 자주 얼굴 봅시다.
RE: comments from Young Y Hwang 9/19/2007
보낸 사람: hwang young(youngyhwang77@hotmail.com)
보낸 날짜: 2007년 9월 19일 수요일 오후 2:34:31
받는 사람: mjuhn@hotmail.com
Hi, there, Mark.
I tried to post my comments in your blog many times but failed. I will try it again later on. You may put my comments at your own in your Blog.
Thanks for your lunch yesterday and I really enjoyed our gathering with Mr.Sohn. It is quite a pleasant surprise to know that you are a dedicated alpinist. It is very inspiring! I just finished reading through your Blog. A fantastic job! Where did you get that energy? I admire it. You always have a positive force with passion. I am one of the witnesses to tell about it since we started to share our long-term friendship in Leichendam, Holland.
Keep your blog rolling and all the best wishes to you and your family.
Keep fit and have nice Chusok(Moon Festival)!
Sincerely yours,
Young Y Hwang(황 영 엽)
비밀 댓글 입니다.
답글삭제@Anonymous - 2007/09/21 23:39
답글삭제Yeah, you made it! Congrats! This is a harvest of your efforts. I admire your passion. You too have a happy Chusok(Korean Thanks Giving). Mark