우리 일행은 아침 출발전에 무사고를 기원하면서 단체 사진을 찍었습니다. 모두들 인물이 좋아 보입니다. 원래 산에 가는사람들은 마음이 善하다고들 하데요.
날씨도 끝내줍니다. 맑게 개인 하늘... 햇살에 눈은 더욱 하얗게 보입니다. 우리는 저 뒤에 보이는 너덜지대를 너덜너덜 올라가야 했습니다.
Before we departed the lodge for the summit, we, all member,s took a picture. We could not complain the weather. The weather was perfect. The steep slope behind that we had to clamb up is behind the group as a background.↓

The path lead to the summit. Huge slopes of broken stones look like a quarry.

All the way was just like this below. Rough and rocky steep slope.

Take a look at the people. We had to take such routes all the way to the summit.
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